We are a family, working hard to make new friends, not just customers.
We are a family, working hard to make new friends, not just customers. Our intimate operation allows us to work side by side, sometimes literally, with our clients to create something beautiful and unique. We create art and take great pride in the craftsmanship and hard work we put into every client vision we shape.

We craft our floors with patience, embracing the mystery of what nature gives us.
We are more than assembly lines that drone out the same product, day after day...We are hands that touch, eyes that see and voices that communicate while creating your vision.
Our people and processes help us fill a niche by allowing us to be highly customizable, inimitable and ahead of trends. By remaining nimble, we can continue to meet the demands of our customers without ever sacrificing quality.
Our growth, like our products, is rooted in staying true to our core values:
craftsmanship, integrity, exceptional quality and outstanding customer care.